
Mit Fingerspitzengefühl! Der 48grams-Gesichtsmassage-Ratgeber

Ready for a little (but entertaining) history lesson, dear 48grams readers? We checked - and were slightly surprised - that it's been a long time since we've written about history on this blog. Of course...

Gesunde Ernährung für eine gesunde Gesichtshaut

"Show me your fridge and I'll tell you where your main problems come from." Our colleague Susi just thought: What a stupid know-it-all saying. She went to the doctor and got instead...

Schönheitsschlaf oder warum Schlaf die Hautgesundheit verbessert

Hello Moooorgähne... It's the same drama every day. The day starts too early … even if it is already 10 o'clock. We members of the 48grams editorial team have two things in common. We are women and we are chronic morning grouches. How do we justify this?...