Organic cosmetics - the whole truth about the fight against wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes

Bio-kos-me-tik - according to the dictionary definition, this is cosmetics based on products made from [medicinal] plants and natural substances. So it’s clear what the creams, serums and masks from 48grams are all about. All of us - represented here by the experts from the 48grams blog - want our customers to feel only the best ingredients and thus the intensive effect of nature on or in their skin. Bernd Kuhs, the internationally celebrated skincare pope and creator of all 48grams lines, explains it like this: "Anyone who buys cosmetics today has the chance to care for themselves in a sustainable, vegan and best possible way. Modern research makes it possible for short-term effects to become lasting effects. And thats happening without having to put up with later damage to the tissue."
The best anti-aging products?
The reality of a multi-billion Dollar business like the cosmetics industry is that maximum effect promises are always made: The best anti-aging solution, the fastest anti-wrinkle effect, etc. Unfortunately, long-term protection often takes a back seat. This is due to a multitude of chemical-based ingredients. As an example of this, we will discuss emulsifiers later on - and why their use is a real problem for the ever endangered tissue of our facial skin.
Against blackheads, wrinkles, dark circles
At 48grams, we work consistently towards one important goal: our customers should feel good in their skin (again). Who wants to have dark circles under the eyes, blackheads, stress wrinkles after a hard week or simply mourn their younger self when they look in the mirror? It's not about a short-lived organic high, we want the appearance push that sustains. All products are refined through the best ingredients, state-of-the-art engineering and a whole lot of passion so that they work in the depths of the skin - creating a beautiful surface. And all of this - precisely - through the power of nature.
Always best without preservation
Here is an explanation of what exactly constitutes organic cosmetics. Those who have committed themselves to this principle do not use any products based on petroleum, silicones or polyethylene glycols (PEG). Microplastics are also banned, as is the use of preservatives and synthetic colours and fragrances. A second important point is that foundation brushes, silicone sponges or similar helpers are not used. Organic cosmetics must be applied by hand - here, fingertips are dabbed and lightly massaged; the body heat and rhythmic movements create a connection between the product and the body.
The more ingredients, the worse
These are important points that everyone should know, because: There is no "real" definition of natural or organic cosmetics, no comprehensive legal definition. Basically, good common sense is also called for. If you expect a cheap product to consist of purely natural substances, you can only be disappointed. Conversely, this does not mean that expensive products contain more nature. Here we can only refer to various apps that provide information about ingredients and their origin. Exactly, ingredients is also a good keyword: When buying skincare articles, the number of ingredients listed on the back of the packaging is decisive: the more, the worse for the skin.
Emulsifiers vs. skin protection barrier
Of course, even organic products are not always perfect. It would be wrong to conceal this. Can natural cosmetics cause allergies? Yes, no one is really protected from this. Nuts or animal hair and dust also trigger unwelcome reactions, after all. But let's be clear here: the protective effect is the most important factor - and far surpasses the effect of chemicals. Let us turn, for example, to the subject of emulsifiers mentioned earlier. This is a kind of binding agent that holds fat and water together in the first place - and is thus the basis for (almost) all creams. Bernd Kuhs takes a clear stand: "Dermatologists don't like emulsifiers at all. Because they attack the skin's protective barrier."
The revolutionary Biomembrane
To explain: In the skin, so-called membrane lipids form very fine lamellar layers in the nanometre range - i.e. in the molecular range. There, fat, oil and water alternate again and again. This prevents harmful substances from penetrating the skin - this is the so-called skin protection barrier. "The ingredients of conventional creams irritate or damage this layer." This knowledge was also the trigger for Kuhs' discovery of the Biomembrane: "My goal was to make a durable compound out of fat and water - to have a product that way, which is harmless for the skin."
Consistency and durability
Let's move on to the prejudice that organic cosmetics do not have a long shelf life. A claim that is false. Natural products also have to be microbiologically stable. For 30 months, they are usually resistant to all contaminants that are transmitted through the air or skin. The fact that the consistency can change in the process is a very common issue. Sometimes so-called "phases" separate - that is, liquid separates from solid mass in one layer. The skincare pope's tip: "Two or three pump strokes later, the problem is cleared up." This has no effect on the basic effectiveness.
Skincare and the smell
Let's move on to a topic that always concerns shoppers. Natural skincare simply smells different from the conventional competition. By "different" we don't mean "bad" - but we are simply used to something more pleasing due to chemical-enhanced perfumes, creams or detergents. Bad enough. Natural extracts have a scent that is - let's say - unfamiliar. But never bad or unbearable for the environment. Especially as the smell also fades very quickly.
Mother Nature gave it to us
All this also applies to the products of 48grams. But if we really want to do something good for our skin, we should avoid anything that has been chemically produced or altered. We at 48grams have found an innovative way, which we proudly describe as follows: Mother Nature gave it to us, our technology refined it.