Eight times "VERY GOOD" for 48grams
Rarely, very rarely does it happen that we toast with alcohol in the office. That doesn't fit with our office culture, especially not with the admonitions that we have written about skin health in what are now 18 articles (yes, we counted them again). We preach water and still drink (sparkling) wine? This exception had to be in the past week. Because: 48grams was rated VERY GOOD eight times by the Münster institute dermatest. A huge success - especially since we have only launched eight products on the market. This wonderful news gave us the following idea: we should just tell you, dear readers, how this top certification came about. The process is exciting and the outcome is proof of real quality.
Efficacy and tolerability
After the publication of three dozen text entries, there should no longer be any doubt that we members of the blog editorial team believe in the effectiveness of our products. Long before they went on sale, we happily (and successfully) tried out the masks, eye pads, creams and serum on our faces. And that in turn was months after the laboratory tests for effectiveness and tolerability. But much more important: You, our customers, give us top marks again and again, a large part of you have become regular buyers. What a success. Nevertheless, in February we decided to make our products available for an independent investigation. Germany needs seals and certificates - and new customers receive credible confirmation of how good the developments by skincare pope Bernd Kuhs are.
Independent study by the leading test institute
For the test, we chose a “hard door”, as they say here in Berlin. The principle is like this: If the man at the entrance doesn't have a good feeling, then there's no party. In other words, we chose the institute dermatest to be beyond any doubt. We wanted official confirmation of Bernd Kuhs' statement: "Our products are optimally tolerated. ” dermatest is known for not making compromises. For more than 40 years, only one language has been spoken there: that of science.
Transparency creates trust
Why is this so important? In the cosmetics industry, manufacturers adorn themselves with countless seals: "medically examined", "proven in clinics", tested by dermatologists", "assessed by independent laboratories". But many companies fail to provide the receipt, the test results or the name of the institute. Perhaps the dermatologist mentioned also means an employee of the manufacturer. Transparency: none. Curiously enough, EU rules are of little help here. There are no exact specifications. Neither for the implementation nor for the duration. In fact, it would be enough if a dermatologist and a few subjects got together.
Publish results, name institutes
Anyone who thinks that we would paint our competitors in a bad light is wrong. As with any blog article, we aim to provide tips or food for thought. In this case, just take a closer look. Reputable cosmetics companies not only show seals, but also publish the individual test results and name the institute responsible. So we all have the certainty that the products are really not harmful. The seal is also a source of information. Customers find out how old a recipe is. Because after every change in a so-called formulation, a study must be carried out again, the seal gets the current date. That's real transparency.
30 subjects, different skin types
Now we've teased you a bit. sorry We wanted you to understand why tests and evidence are so important. But now finally to the practical part. This is how it works at dermatest: First, the scientists responsible receive a precise list of the proportion of ingredients used. Everything that defines 48grams, the secret recipes, must be disclosed. A group of 30 subjects is then selected. Statistically, 18 people would be enough here. But dermatest just wants absolute security. 23 women and 7 men made themselves available to us - aged between 23 and 70 years. It is also important to take a cross-section of the different skin types: dry, oily, normal and combination skin. All participants got the so-called test material - undiluted, that's important - on the skin for 24 hours. The area was then sealed with a film plaster. It's called a patch test.
Fast skin absorption, long evaluation
The dermatest report states: "The special patch ensures an occlusive test environment in a targeted manner, which facilitates the penetration of the potential topical irritant of the test substance through the stratum corneum to the effector cells. These may trigger an immunological reaction mechanism that usually leads to local reddening of the skin. ” And now the whole thing in German: In an airtight environment, the creams, serums and mask ingredients penetrate the skin faster - if there is a substance that can cause irritation, this reaction will occur even faster. As mentioned, the plaster was removed after 24 hours and after a further hour the reaction of the skin was checked. After 48 and 72 hours, the doctors checked the test subjects' tissue again.
No intolerance, no allergies
All 8 products currently available in our shop have been in included in this study. And now we can present the seal "very good" for all products. Because the creams, masks and serum are now "dermatologically tested". At no time was there an intolerance reaction or even an allergy symptom. We think these are good reasons to raise a glass!