
Edelweiß – das Anti-Aging-Wunder
"Edelweiss - isn't it protected by law?" We encounter such or similarquestions again and again. The customers of 48grams pay close attentionto the ingredients of our creams, masks and serums...
Trockene Haut – die kaum beachtete Volkskrankheit
Why dry skin quickly develops dandruff and what face creams you can use to protect yourself against it. But also home remedies have a quick effect
Welche Creme passt zu mir? Der große Ratgeber
"Come on, confess at last! If you tell the truth now, you will save yourself...!" It is really unpleasant that most reports about the benefits and sense of face creams remind of a police interrogation after a crime...
Sag Augenringen den Kampf an
In South Korea, when you bow to greet someone or to say goodbye, you have to lean forward about 20 degrees, with your eyes to the ground. A gesture of respect...